
Doug Gilbertson
Doug has a degree in agri-business from Rosemount Vo-Tech. Serving farmers for 40+ years, he is a Cannon Falls area resident since 1983.

Aaron Gilbertson
General Manager
Aaron has spent his entire life around the grain elevator and has enjoyed serving the farming community with grain, agronomy and feed. He is a lifelong resident of the Randolph area.

Jay Schlomann
Nerstrand Manager
Jay has been serving agronomy customers for over 20 years. He attended South Dakota State. He currently resides in the Randolph area.

Jarret Hayes
Jarret holds a BS in Precision Ag with a minor in Agronomy from South Dakota State. He grew up in the Lakeville area and now resides in the Randolph area.

Anne Donkers
Anne has a diploma in Farm Business Management and has been serving area farmers for 25 years. She has resided in the Nerstrand area for 20+ years.

Claudia Hodgman
Grain Accountant
Claudia has a degree in science from UW River Falls. She currently resides in the West Concord area.

Jed Burt
Feed Mill Manager
Jed became our Mill Manager in 2019 producing standard and customized feed mixes. He also handles most of the grain needs from our Byron facility. He is a Byron area resident.

Mandi Hadler
Feed / Accounts Payable
Mandi holds an AAS Executive Assistant degree. She has been in ag since 2004 and is a lifelong resident of the Nerstrand area.

Kay Peterson
Office Assistant

Darth Bryce
You Name It He’ll Make It
Bryce is not only a fantastic mechanic, his abilities to fabricate and repair all types of elevator equipment is vital to enabling us to serve all your farming needs.

Rachel Gilbertson
Cannon Falls

Bryce Kieffer
Cannon Falls Manager
Bryce has been serving agronomy, grain, and feed customers for more than 15 years. He is a lifelong resident of the Dennison area.

Evan Dee
Evan has a degree in Agricultural Education for the U of M. He has been serving agronomy customers for 12 years and currently resides in the Farmington area.

Cody Thorburn
Custom Applicator/Agronomist
Cody has a BS in Crop and Soil Science. He has been serving agronomy customers for 10 years and currently resides in the Cannon Falls area.

Joan Sutter
Office Assistant